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Transforming SSI with Technician’s Terminal with
Park Signalling LTD
Park Signalling has developed a replacement Technician’s Terminal (type reference MT04S) using standard Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components. The technologies used have been carefully chosen with consideration for longevity

Transforming SSI with REMITdetect with Park Signalling LTD
Attendees discovered Park Signalling’s REMITdetect (Remote Missing Telegram Detector) system which monitors multiple SSI data links (up to 64) and it records the occurrence of missing reply telegrams and glitches remotely, removing the need for manual measurement.

Transforming SSI with DLIT and ISPU Webinar with
Park Signalling LTD
Attendees discovered more about Park Signalling’s Data Link Isolating Transformer (DLIT), which provides superior transmission characteristics over current units, offering potential performance benefits.

Transforming SSI with REMOSdl and SSI Link Analyser with Park Signalling LTD
Attendees learnt more about Park Signalling’s REMOSdl which is a tool to monitor the baseband links continuously and eliminate the need to carry out regular checking.

Transforming Traction and Rolling Stock Maintenance with Condition Based Monitoring
We did a demonstration of how maintenance operations can harness existing and new sources of data to improve reliability and availability of assets