A new innovative approach to sleeper handling!

Combining innovative design and precision manufacture

We have a new approach to an old problem – how to make a spreader beam robust without it becoming too heavy.

Combining innovative design and precision manufacture, the Sleeper Spreader is a robust, reliable and easy to use sleeper spreader beam, which can be used for handling most types of sleeper and is available in multiple variants of up to 28 sleepers.

A unique-motor driven spreading system keeps the beam balanced at all times and the sleeper spacing can be quickly changed to suit different track specifications.

The aluminium alloy frame design allows strength to be applied where it is needed the most – in the sleeper grab legs, providing the most reliable device in its class.

The Sleeper Spreader is a strong, safe, accurate and efficient solution to global sleeper handling – watch the video here and download our brochure for more information.

Our solutions for rail and track handling are already improving performance and productivity for our customers across the world, find out more on our website here or get in touch with us at  [email protected]